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Phone calls complaints report by November 2019

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Last month users left 310,242 complaints about unwanted phone calls. This is 22% less than a month before: in October 2019 Federal Trade commission received 378222 complaints.

States with the largest number of complaints are Virginia - 10418, Michigan - 11795, Pennsylvania - 13687, Illinois - 14561, Ohio - 15183, New York - 15771, Florida - 20333, Texas - 23956 and California with 38203 complaints left.

If we re-think this numbers in the scope of the population that lives in each state, we will find that the distribution of phone numbers violations is more equal (complaints per 100,000 of people): from 131 in Arizona, 145 in Rhode Island and 148 in Washington, DC to 26 in Alaska, 32 in Mississippi and in 45 Louisiana.

Distribution by subject:

If you like to reduce the number of unwanted phone calls, visit to the and add your phone number to the National Do Not Call Registry. Calls should stop within a couple of days. After you register, other types of organizations may still call you, such as charities, political groups, debt collectors and surveys.