Type a phone number in the form above. In order to properly detect a country, this phone number belongs to, start typing from country code. If you are from the United States start from +1.
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You are welcome to leave your comments as well if you have something to share and warn other people. We do not require registration, just type your name in the form on the phone number page and select danger level: neutral, spam or scam.
Is posing under an Ontario company even copied the legit company website. Is selling emergency pendant at a cost per minute of listening to their ad.
Amazon spam. Voicemail telling me it was to approve a $1499 macbook on my Amazon account. Clearly spam since it went to a strictly business number not affiliated with my Amazon account
caller left a voicemail "I am sorry I missed you today." I never called this number.
voicemail saying they are following up after "we last spoke" but I never spoke to anyone at this number.
Received call from this number - they had ALL my information and I mean ALL - but they could not or would not provide me with any of the information for the debt that I supposedly accrued. When I said I was a paralegal they got antsy and hung up.
Hello. There's probably no point in explaining to you how important online reviews are for modern business. We provide a service of posting positive reviews of your business on Google maps, Facebook, trustpilot. We guarantee quality placement and can provide a free test. You can contact us at [email protected]
Called me looking for permission to send me information. I refused and now they call a few times a week despite me asking them to call back.
Received this number via Facebook Messenger from a "friend" on Instagram and was told to text them to apply for a grant from American Hope Resources. When I called out this person for pretending to be my friend, they immediately unsent this number, but unfortunately for them, I had already taken a screenshot of our conversation with the number still showing.
If you have been directed to this page, we can assume that you experience unwanted calls, or possibly you've missed a call (or many) and now is curious who is calling you from an unknown phone number. The fastest way to find out whose number is this is to use a form on the top of this page.
Just type a number that called you. You should start typing from country code. I.e. assuming phone number was from the United States or Canada, start typing from +1 following with area code and number. And if this phone number exists in our database, you will see the statistics for it, reviews left by other people who also faced a call from this phone number. If you like to get a bit more context and possible ways to secure yourself, you're welcome to continue reading.
We live in the time of the internet. We're all surrounded by gadgets and computers, we receive and send tens of e-mails each day. People's communication shifted to messengers and social media from traditional phone calls over the last decades. Advertisement business has evolved as well with the development of the internet. Despite that fact, phone calls remain one of the powerful sources of marketing. Statistics that we collected from this website proves that to us. But you probably know it by your own, chances are that if you lent on this page, you've been affected with one of such calls - marketing calls is one of the most common violations reported by our customers.
Fortunately, there is a way to protect yourself from some of the unwanted calls. This method is not 100% solid, but it's worth to give it a try. US government developed the National Do Not Call Registry it was created specifically to stop unwanted sales calls. It’s free to register your home or mobile phone number. Go to donotcall.gov and fill the form or call 1-888-382-1222 from the phone number you want to register. What this action will do - you will stop to receive marketing calls from real companies. All companies are obligated to use do not call registers and not call the phone numbers found in the registry. You still might receive political calls, charitable calls, debt collection calls, surveys or purely informational calls - not all cases are covered
When marketing calls are pretty much unharmful but rather annoying and time-consuming, some calls might lead to bigger consequences. The best way to protect yourself from phone scams is to be careful and not trust everybody, it's worth to make check one more time before you do any actions or pay your money. You can check whose number is this on our website. One of the examples is calls that pretending to be charity fundraisings for i.e. police association. The approach here will be to promise to call back, find a real number on the web and ask if they are running a campaign. One of the most common and dangerous scams is social security scam: you receive a robocall claiming that your Social Security number was suspended because of “suspicious activity”. According to the Federal Trade Commission, in the first six months of 2019 people filed 73,000 reports about Social Security fraud with losses totaling $17 million. You have to remember - social security will never ask for your personal data over the phone. So if you receive calls like this, use our website to check who called you, it will be a small additional step to not find yourself fooled.