Are you interested in who is calling from unknown phone number? Is it telemarketing, annoying sales agents, robocalls, probably some scam? Here you can check whether that number exists in our database. Just use search on the top of the page. Please, use international format, starting with '+'. In most cases, information is populated by regular users, so you're welcome to leave your comments to describe your experience as well. To make it convenient, we don't require registration to write comments
Received call stating they werenw/Paypal regarding suspicious activity on my account which does NOT have a valid credit card currently attached. COMPLETE SCAM CALL!Anno
Is posing under an Ontario company even copied the legit company website. Is selling emergency pendant at a cost per minute of listening to their ad.
Amazon spam. Voicemail telling me it was to approve a $1499 macbook on my Amazon account. Clearly spam since it went to a strictly business number not affiliated with my Amazon account
caller left a voicemail "I am sorry I missed you today." I never called this number.
voicemail saying they are following up after "we last spoke" but I never spoke to anyone at this number.
Received call from this number - they had ALL my information and I mean ALL - but they could not or would not provide me with any of the information for the debt that I supposedly accrued. When I said I was a paralegal they got antsy and hung up.
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Called me looking for permission to send me information. I refused and now they call a few times a week despite me asking them to call back.